Our Blue Room operates with an age span of twenty months to forty-seven months.
Children in the Blue Room are becoming more self-aware as they explore the relationship between cause and effect. The classroom environment and activities are designed to allow children to use their senses to identify objects, sounds, emotions, and much more while learning to test boundaries and take age-appropriate risks.
Your child will have many opportunities to grow and expand on skills that they have already started to develop while also being introduced to new skills such as phonemic awareness, counting and sequencing, and using the senses to observe and experience the classroom environment.
The Blue Room is filled with wondrous vast experiences for all of our two and three year old's. In the Blue Room your child will learn to communicate more clearly their wants and needs while expanding their vocabulary, understand words across varied topics, begin to develop phonemic awareness, use senses to observe and experience the environment, continue to develop self-awareness, identify and label emotions, understand and describe motions, physical properties, and spatial relations, use mathematical skills to observe sequences, count, and match, continue to develop gross and fine motor skills, and have many opportunities to use imagination and creativity to express themselves through different art forms.
Holy Spirit Child Development Academy
10650 Gulf Beach Hwy. Pensacola, Florida, 32507
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